Do you know these facts about Steve Jobs?


November 19, 2023

Steve Jobs became most famous for creating Apple Inc. Where did his journey start, and how did he create Apple?

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, to Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. He was quiet about his personal life, but started to open up during his last few years. 

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Steve travelled to Bharat for spiritual enlightenment at Neem Karoli Ashram. Later, he headed to the ashram of Haidakhan Babaji.  

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Jobs enrolled at Reed College but dropped out after one semester. He explained to his parents that he didn’t want to waste their money on education.

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Alongside Steve Wozniak,Jobs created the first Apple computer in March 1976. By April 1, 1976, the two set up Apple Computer Company as a business partnership alongside Ronald Wayne, now known as Apple Inc.

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In 1986 Steve Jobs funded the Graphics Group, which later became Pixar. The first Pixar film “Toy Story” (1995), was a joint venture with Disney.

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Steve Jobs has over 300 patents to his name. Number of patents that include Jobs’ name as either sole inventor or co-inventor varies across the board.

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Jobs has patents for speakers, staircases, packages, power adaptors, phones, etc.

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There is a nearly 7-foot (2.1 meters) tall bronze statue of Jobs in the capital city of Hungary.